Friday, July 07, 2006

The fountains at the corners where Washington Avenue is interrupted by capital square have finally been filled with water, plugged in and are ready to bathe every bird in town, and I wouldn't be surprised to find a homeless street person washing up over these basins now and again.

Various work men have been laboring to install the fountains for at least a year. Ground was broken and hairy-armed hardhats were pouring concrete footings when we first arrived in Madison a year ago this week. They spread visquine tarps over heavy frames to continue welding the framework through the winter, and they've been piecing together the marble and bolting down the bronze bowls ever since the first days of fair weather.

Water started running last week, but this is the first close look I got. Water gushes from bowls at either end of an arc and tumbles over the side to sheet down a low, curved marble wall. They're not especially attractive to the eye, but the sound is pleasing and the birds love to dance in the water.

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